Monday, August 24, 2009

New Nights Book Scheduled for Release by Penguin

I'm happy to announce the scheduled release of Oriental Dreams: How the Arabian Nights Came to the World by Paul Nurse by Penguin Books Canada in September of 2010.

I've been lucky enough to see parts of a draft of the book and can say that a book of this scope and caliber has been a long time coming and will be a major part of Nights scholarship as well as an interesting read for the general public. The book will be largely a historical overview of the various manifestations and histories of the Arabian Nights with a comprehensive and coherent style accessible to both lay readers and experienced scholars alike.

I look forward to reading it in its entirety and wish the author and Penguin all the best of luck on it.

- M


  1. Did you say 2010? To say the least, the long wait is cruel. I wish if I had a genie....

  2. Indeed, such is the pace of the publishing industry...
