Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Barnum & Bailey's Circus

Poster for Barnum & Bailey's Persia or the Pageants of The Thousand and One Nights (1916)

And also the following info about the show is from the book, From Barnum & Bailey to Feld by Ernest Albrecht (2014):

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Aladdin Scentsy Bars - May 20

So, like, yeah. On May 20th you can buy Disney Aladdin based/themed Scentsy bars. It wasn't clear to me exactly what a scentsy bar was so I did some "research" and found out that they seem to be these wax scented thingys that you warm up in your house to make your house smell a certain way. Those plug-in scent blaster things that always give me allergic headaches. I think that's what they are.

But now you can have your house smell like Aladdin! And the Arabian Nights!


Not until May 20th though. And Disney's live action Aladdin hits the big screen on May 24. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves - Felicitas Kuhn

“Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” - The Golden Book of Fairytales- Collins Publishing, 1966, United Kingdom. Illustration by Felicitas Kuhn (